Physiotherapy can be very effective for relieving sciatica pain. Your physiotherapist can also design an exercise program to strengthen and improve the mobility of your back, leaving you less vulnerable to bouts of sciatica. One of the most common causes of sciatica is a disc herniation in the lumbar spine. When the herniated disc impinges or compresses a nerve root, sciatica can occur. 90% of patients with a lumbar disc herniation improve without a medical intervention like surgery within 3-6 months.
There is a muscle that lies deep within your buttocks called the piriformis muscle. It has been suggested that this muscle can become tight or spasm which can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, though this is rare. Sometimes other medical conditions (like tumours) can injure nerves near the spine.
Sciatica is diagnosed based on the examination findings by your physician or physiotherapist. Imaging isn’t required in most cases. If the patient has a past medical history of disabling symptoms, osteoporosis, steroid use, unexplained fever/weight loss, tumour history, trauma and/or IV drug use imaging may be necessary.
If a patient does not have an improvement in symptoms from rest, physical therapy and medication after 3 months then an MRI may be recommended to evaluate their candidacy for surgery.
Most cases of sciatica resolve within 3-5 months. Some more severe cases will take a year. Physiotherapy should be the treatment of choice to deal with sciatica. In fact, surgery does not improve a patient's outcome from sciatica, but it may shorten the amount of time for the condition to resolve for a small percentage of patients.
Every case of sciatica is as different as the individual it is effecting. This is why it is important to be assessed by an experienced physiotherapist. The treatment plan should address the major factors leading to the development of sciatica for that patient. Here are a few common problems that may be contributing to your sciatica and how to address them.
If non-operative treatment fails and patients continue to experience radicular (leg dominant) symptoms, a nerve root injection and/or surgical intervention may be considered.
Left untreated most people who develop sciatica will have frequent recurrences of pain that last weeks to months. But patients who undergo a well-designed physiotherapy program and participate in prevention can dramatically reduce the number and intensity of recurrences. If you are struggling with sciatica, get in to see your physiotherapist right away.
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